Areas of Our Work

Conducting comprehensive studies of the economic, political and cultural relations of Russia and Iran

Conducting regular scientific events with specialists on the history and modern development of relations between Russia and Iran

Conducting comprehensive studies of the economic, political and cultural relations of Russia and Iran

Conducting regular scientific events with specialists on the history and modern development of relations between Russia and Iran

Staff Members

Elmira Imamkulieva

Laboratory Head

Anri Chedia

Research Fellow

Alisa Koteneva

Research Assistant

Sofia Sabitova

Research Assistant

Arina Lugovskaya

Research Assistant

Neshely Mohammad Mahdi Mohammadnejad

Research Assistant

Daniil Remez

Research Assistant

Amal Vildanov

Research Assistant

Maria Kaygorodova

Research Assistant

Yulia Voskoboynik

Research Assistant

Dalila Sabitova

Research Assistant

Razdrich Matyazh

Research Assistant

Our Partners

Mehdi Sanaei

Doctor of Political Science, the Director of the Institute of Iran and Eurasia Studies (IRAS)

Mahmood Shoori

Doctor of Political Science, the Deputy Drector of the Iran and Eurasian Research Institute (IRAS), Professor at Tehran University

Davood Kiani

Doctor of Political Science, a member of the Management Board of the Iran and Eurasia Research Institute (IRAS), Associate Professor of the Department of Political Science at the Islamic Azad University in Kuma

Jahangir Karami

Doctor of Political Science, a member of the Management Board of the Iran and Eurasia Research Institute (IRAS), Professor of the Faculty of International Relations at the University of Tehran


  • Slavery in the Modern Middle East and North Africa Exploitation and Resistance from the 19th Century - Present Day

    What is the nature of slavery as practiced and at times reintroduced over the past two centuries in the Middle East and North Africa? In spite of the rich regional diversity of the areas studied – from Morocco to the Indian Ocean to Iran – this anthology demonstrates clear commonalities across the super-region. These include the regulation of slavery by Islam and local traditions, the absence of a rigid racial hierarchy as in North American slavery, the management of the sexuality and reproductive capacity of female slaves, and views on identity and heritage among descendants of slaves. Authors also examine the economic and theological underpinnings of contemporary slavery and human trafficking.

    The book is among the first to focus on slavery across the Islamic world from the 19th century to the present – a period constituting the endgame of institutionalized slavery in the region but also the persistence of forms of de facto enslavement. Each chapter scrutinizes from a different vantage point – institutions, economics, the abolitionist movement, literature, folklore, and the moving image – creating a multi-dimensional picture of the phenomenon.

    The authors have mined government archives and statistics, memoirs, interviews, photographs, drawings, songs, cinema and television. Not only are Arabic, Persian and Turkish sources leveraged, but a variety of materials in minor and endangered languages, such as Soqotri, Balochi and Sorani Kurdish, in addition to European languages.

    L.: Bloomsbury, 2024.

  • Article

    Akinina O., Chedia A., Syzdykova B. et al.

    The Development of Entrepreneurial Competencies among Students of Various Age Groups within the MOOCs Environment

    This article is dedicated to exploring the peculiarities of developing entrepreneurial competencies among students of different age groups in the Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) environment. A model for teaching entrepreneurship in the MOOC environment has been developed. Additionally, the model involves the implementation of pedagogical approaches to the development of entrepreneurial competencies using digital platforms and tools. An educational experiment involving 150 students aged 16 to 60 from Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Romania, and Bulgaria was conducted on the open educational platform Coursera. The study\u2019s results indicated that the correlation of learning outcomes for the older generation was significantly lower than that for the younger generation, regardless of the training type. It was concluded that online courses are effective for both young and elderly respondents, but their learning perception differs. This article can be useful for developers of educational business courses in the MOOC environment that aim to expand the age characteristics of students.

    International Journal of Information and Education Technology. 2024. Vol. 14. No. 10. P. 1335-1343.

  • Book chapter

    Lana Ravandi-Fadai.

    'Ask Her, She is Not Afraid To Tell You': Sexual Enslavement of Yezidi Women by ISIS: causes and aftermath

    In bk.: Slavery in the Modern Middle East and North Africa Exploitation and Resistance from the 19th Century - Present Day. L.: Bloomsbury, 2024. Ch. 10.

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