The 5th National Session of EYP Russia

The European Youth Parliament (EYP) is a unique educational programme which brings together young people from all over Europe to discuss current topics in a parliamentary setting. As a network of independent associations, EYP is present in 40 countries and
organises almost 600 events every year. The EYP network organises almost 1.500 days of EYP activity every year, involving close to 35.000 participants. Thousands of young people are active as volunteers all over Europe, making EYP a programme truly for young people, by young people. The EYP encourages independent thinking and initiative in young people and facilitates the learning of crucial social and professional skills. Since it was conceived in 1987, hundreds of thousands of young people have taken part in regional, national and international sessions, formed friendships and made international contacts across and beyond borders. The Berlin-based Schwarzkopf Foundation is the international umbrella organisation of the EYP.

The European Youth Parliament (EYP) is a unique educational programme which brings together young people from all over Europe to discuss current topics in a parliamentary setting. As a network of independent associations, EYP is present in 40 countries and organises almost 600 events every year. The EYP network organises almost 1.500 days of EYP activity every year, involving close to 35.000 participants. Thousands of young people are active as volunteers all over Europe, making EYP a programme truly for young people, by young people. The EYP encourages independent thinking and initiative in young people and facilitates the learning of crucial social and professional skills. Since it was conceived in 1987, hundreds of thousands of young people have taken part in regional, national and international sessions, formed friendships and made international contacts across and beyond borders. The Berlin-based Schwarzkopf Foundation is the international umbrella organisation of the EYP.

Welcome to the Fifth National Session of EYP Russia! With a bit of help from our lovely organisers, the European Youth Parliament of Russia has prepared a great event! The President of our session is Adriaan van Streun (NL), the Editors are Mariann Jüriorg (EE) and Ausma Cīrulniece (LV). The Head Organiser is Vladislava Kachurova (RU) and Head of Jury is Robin Julian Pedrazzoli (DK). The session theme is “Inspire. Innovate. Implement.”
For the duration of the Session, the participants are divided into international working groups (committees) that draft resolutions into their respective topics. In these groups, the task of the young people is to come up with their own suggestions for the topic. The results are then presented and debated in a parliamentary assembly at the end of the Session.

The Chairs’ Team, the Media Team, the Jury and the Organisers will meet to spend a full day on preparations for the event and various trainings for team members.
During Team Building, the participants, in their respective committees, learn to know each other through a series of activities and games.
Throughout Committee Work, the delegates analyse the topic of their committee, identify the problems surrounding it and discuss solutions to these issues. The output of Committee Work is a written resolution.
The last part of every session is a General Assembly (GA). In GA, the committees come together to present and debate the resolutions they wrote. In the end, the resolutions are put to a vote.

“One important aspect is that I would like for all participants of the session to be able to work together and contribute to each other’s work” My vision for the session in general and for the Chair’s Team in specific overlaps to a considerable extent with the session theme of ‘Inspire. Innovate. Implement.’
With this in mind, I am looking for a team to help create a session where the delegates feel they are heard, that they can contribute and where they get to experience EYP to the fullest. I am looking for enthusiastic participants to give the delegates a pleasant and professional experience. One important aspect of this is that I would like for all participants of the session to be able to work together and contribute to each other’s work. For the Officials Teams, I would like to encourage close cooperation between the team leaders and to organise numerous shared activities between the team members. For the delegates, I would like to create an atmosphere where they feel free to approach the officials and learn about what it means to do EYP.
Suggested topics:
- youth participation in local initiatives and activities
- equal access to education
- linguistic diversity
- communication technology in governmental processes
- steps to undertake to limit carbon emissions
- research onto renewable energy
- providing for the mental health of students
Adriaan van Streun (NL)

“We are looking to put our team together from enthusiastic and creative individuals, take into account their skills and personal development goals.”
We, the editors of the 5ht National Session of EYP Russia, Ausma and Mariann have had this dream for more than a year. The dream is to form, guide, and motivate a team full of creative individuals who all have something in common. We are mainly looking to bring together a bunch of people who could trust, support and inspire each other, rather than looking for specific skills or experiences. We want to provide you with a completely open-minded and empowering atmosphere, where each and every single Media Team
Member is able to pursue their dreams. Just like we are pursuing ours. We are looking to put our team together from enthusiastic and creative in- dividuals, take into account their skills and personal development goals, and provide everything in our power for everyone to get the most out of the experience. We would like to take a very personal approach, get to know every team member before the session, trough calls and other activities, and build a strong and bonded team to support the implementation of all the ideas before, during, and after the session.
Of course there are some things we definitely would want to cover, but overall our vision will be the team’s vision. We as the editors do not want to set any boundaries or concrete structures as long as the output is creative and of high quality. We would rather see the team produce projects that are innovative and of high-quality than put emphasis on quantity.
Mariann Jüriorg (EE) and Ausma Cīrulniece (LV)

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