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Podcasts “Understanding Russia”

In 2022, the student magazine FOUR together with the International Laboratory on World Order Studies and New Regionalism and under the auspices of the Department of International Relations of the Higher School of Economics is launching a new podcast in English "Understanding Russia".

The podcast tries to understand the nature of Russia's current foreign policy through interviews with leading Russian experts in international relations, global economics and Oriental Studies, touching on a number of topics on the global and Russian agendas. The podcast is distributed as part of the 'Understanding Russia Podcast' project led by Professor A.V. Lukin. 

Finding balance with Dmitri Trenin

The first guest is Dmitry Vitalievich Trenin, Research Professor at the National Research University Higher School of Economics and former Director of the Carnegie Moscow Centre. He is a member of the RIAC and the Foreign and Defence Policy Council. Author of over 10 books and monographs published in Russia, the US, Germany, China and other countries. Sphere of academic interests: transatlantic and Eurasian security, international relations, Russian foreign policy, geopolitics and globalisation, post-Soviet Eurasia.

Dmitry Vitalievich talked about what has influenced Russia's foreign policy over the last nine months, what to expect from Moscow's relations with Brussels and Washington, and how the new balance of power will be shaped.

The US-Russia relations with Dmitry Novikov

Dmitry P. Novikov, Deputy Head of the Department of International Relations and Deputy Head of the International Laboratory on World Order Studies and the New Regionalism, talked to the hosts about the history, evolution and prospects of US-Russian relations. Dmitry Pavlovich talked about what factors influence the dialogue between Washington and Moscow today, what difficulties are to be overcome and what we can expect in the near future.


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