Course Descriptions
1. Course by Maxim Bratersky "Russia in the Changing World "
Syllabus - Russia in the Changing World (DOCX, 18 Kb)
A short 8 – hour course focuses on the political transformation in Russia, emerging civil society, foreign and security policy and the Russian political system. This course is a general introduction into the political, economic, social and historical background of Russian domestic and foreign politics. It will also cover the major issue areas of Russian political life and provide a description of the wide spectrum of political forces currently active on Russian arena.
Participation in this course should help the students to understand the nature and origin of major interest groups and political concepts affecting the political struggle in Russia as well as to learn about the complex interrelationship between politics, economic issues and security matters in Russia itself, in the former republics of the Soviet Union and in the global context.
2. Course by Andrej Krikovic “China and Russia: Great Powers in an Era of Global Disorder”
Syllabus - China and Russia: Great Powers in an Era of Global Disorder (DOCX, 24 Kb)
We are in the middle of an unprecedented shift in wealth and power away from the West and towards the countries of the developing world. How will this dramatic shift in power affect international relations? Are we headed towards an era of increased instability and great power conflict? Or will the rise of the developing world increase economic equality and political representation at the level of global politics?
This class will explore these and other questions through the lens of international relations theory. We will focus on the four major rising powers: Brazil, Russia, India and China (colloquially known as the BRICS), looking at the domestic and international factors that are behind their rise and the impact they have had on major areas of international politics. We will also look at the approaches they take to major 21st Century policy questions, such as terrorism, economic development, climate change, and reform to international financial institutions after the latest economic crisis.
3. Course by Evgeny Kanaev “Russia in Asia-Pacific: Challenges and Opportunities”
Syllabus - Russia in Asia-Pacific Challenges and Opportunities (DOC, 61 Kb)
The course aims to initiate an in-depth and comprehensive discussion on Russia’s policy in Asia-Pacific: its key priorities, trends and interim results along with issues and challenges it is currently encountering. The course approaches the subject from an innovative perspective in order to encourage students’ conceptual thinking by means of an extensive and interactive training and spark their innovative mindset.
The course starts with analyzing Russia’s quest for a greater role in Asia-Pacific against the backdrop of prevailing global trends. Then it moves on to examine the trans-Pacific and Asia-Pacific vectors of Russia’s regional multilateral diplomacy. Issues under consideration also embrace Russia’s stance on the key regional security challenges and Russia’s economic and political relations with main regional actors – China, Japan, North and South Korea and Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).