About the Faculty
The World Economy and International Affairs faculty is a centre for research and education focusing on the global economy, international relations, and Asian studies. The Faculty's interdisciplinary approach reflects an awareness of real-life interdependence. Economists enhance their knowledge of international relations, culture, and people's value systems. International Relations specialists benefit from an introduction to economics and applied mathematics. Both groups graduate from the BA course with a good grasp of two foreign languages. Not only do Asian Studies students study the languages and cultures of Asia, they also focus on the economics, politics and entrepreneurial culture of the region.
Main subject areas for research and teaching work at the Faculty include: issues in global economic management, global political economy, trade policy, European research, politics, economics, languages and culture of countries in Asia, structural factor trends in global economics and politics, Russian, Eurasian, and integration research, international business, the development of Siberia and the Far East, Russia's economic pivot to the Pacific.
The Faculty plans to establish its own unified interdisciplinary educational standard in international political and economic research: international political economy. This standard will ensure that young graduates of the BA programme will be equipped to cope with real-life conditions in a globalized, diverse world. They will have a solid understanding of the interplay between the global and the local, economic and political cultures and religions, and driving forces in economics, politics and society at the trans-border level.