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The "Asian Turn" in Russian Foreign Policy

Vinogradov A., Streltsov D., Nelidov V. et al.

Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.

The Sahel Belt: In Search of a ‘Positive Peace’ Formula

Degterev D. A.

Russia in Global Affairs. 2025. Vol. 23. No. 1. P. 104-122.

Book chapter
Revisiting the Arctic Region’s Cooperative Network: The Role of China

Sergunin A. A., Lagutina M., Leksyutina Y.

In bk.: The Arctic Yearbook 2024. Akureyri: University of Arctic, 2024.

Uneasy Triangle: China, Russia, and the United States in the New Global Order

USA Center on Global Interests published the analytical review ‘Uneasy Triangle: China, Russia, and the United States in the New Global Order’, which included the report ‘Russia and China after the Ukrainian Crisis: The Future of the Relationship’ by Alexander Lukin, Head of the School of International Affairs.
Read the report