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Multilateral Approach in India’s Foreign Policy: The Case of Relations with Latin America

Zakharov A.

International Organisations Research Journal. 2024. Vol. 19. No. 3. P. 91-104.

Book chapter
Russian Approach to Geoeconomics: Russian Economic Statecraft Since the Beginning of War in Ukraine

Kashin V., Yankova A., Kondakova K.

In bk.: The Oxford Handbook of Geoeconomics and Economic Statecraft. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2024.

Missiles in Europe: Back to the Future?

Sergei Karaganov, Doctor of History, is Dean of the School of World Economics and International Relations at the National Research University–Higher School of Economics.

There is an increasingly strong feeling of deja vu as some of Russia’s Western partners are trying to replay the scenario of the late 1970s and early 1980s when the deployment of Soviet SS-20 medium-range missiles and American Pershing and land-based cruise missiles in Europe triggered a long military-political crisis. As a result, detente in Europe was halted or even reversed for many years.