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The 30th Session of Eurasian Online Seminar. International Panel

On Wednesday, 15 December 2021, The Department of International Relations and International Laboratory on World Order Studies and the New Regionalism of National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE University) heldthe thirtieth session of Eurasian Online Seminarin the form of discussion panel. The topic for discussion was the presentation of the Special Issue of the Russian Politics journal (Volume 6 (2021): Issue 4 (Oct 2021) on Russian Foreign Policy, edited by Iain Ferguson, Andrej Krickovic, Alexander Lukin and Richard Sakwa.

Moderator: Olga Puzanova, Senior Lecturer, Department of International Relations, HSE University, Moscow, Russia


  1. Sergei Karaganov, Academic Supervisor, Faculty of World Economy and International Relations, HSE University
  2. Anastasia Likhacheva, Dean, Faculty of World Economy and International Relations, HSE University
  3. Alexander Lukin, Head, Department of International Relations, HSE University
  4. Richard Sakwa, Professor of Russian and European politics at the University of Kent, UK
  5. Andrej Krikovic, Associate Professor, HSE University, Moscow, Russia
  6. Iain Ferguson, Assistant Professor, HSE University, Moscow, Russia
  7. Vladimir Ryzhkov, Professor, HSE University, Moscow, Russia

Special Issue Contents:

Introduction. Authors: Andrej Krickovic and Richard Sakwa

Russian Foreign Policy: Three Historical Stages and Two Future Scenarios. Author: Sergei Karaganov

A Multilevel World and a Flat Worldview: A Realist and Progressive Synthesis for Russia. Author: Vladimir Lukin

The Politics of Russian Revisionism: Diplomacy of a Worldview, 2011–Authors: Iain Ferguson and Sergei Akopov

Russia and Sanctions: The Transformational Domestic and International Effects of Unilateral Restrictive Measures. Author: Anastasia Likhacheva

Russia’s Policies in the Post-Soviet Space: Between Constructive Relations and Fighting the New Cold War. Authors: Andrei Kazantsev, Sergei Lebedev, and Svetlana Medvedeva

Russia’s China Policy: Growing Asymmetries and Hedging Options. Authors: Igor Denisov and Alexander Lukin

From ‘Greater Europe’ to Confrontation: Is a ‘Common European Home’ Still Possible? Author: Vladimir Ryzhkov

Link to the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ldtwwn4miLo