Faculty Ambassador Daminova Dina performed at Lyceum №1 (Tyulgan)

Our student of the bachelor’s programme “International Relations” within the framework of the project “Ambassadors of the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs 2021-2022” returned to her lyceum to tell high school students about the choice of university and the peculiarities of studying at the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs of the National Research University Higher School of Economics.

Dina graduated from Lyceum №1 in 2019. She was led to the “Ambassadors of the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs 2021-2022” project by the desire to support high school students before the upcoming exams, as well as to share with them the experience of studying at the HSE University. 

Dina performed at lyceum on January 10, 2022. The presentation of our student was joined by listeners who were interested in hearing relevant information about admission and study at the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs. 

The high school students asked a lot of questions, the most popular of them: 

1. Why did Dina choose international relations?

2. Are there scholarships at HSE?

3. Is it difficult to get a discount on education? 

Dina spoke about her impressions of the meeting: “Even in high school, I had the idea to someday return to my native lyceum and talk about my university, as other graduates did. All high school students listened to the presentation with interest and at times even with surprise! Most of them asked questions related to admission and study features. I am very glad that I was able to speak to them, because it is important for me that now they know about my favorite faculty. I hope to see the guys at HSE soon”. 

The project “Ambassadors of the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs 2021-2022” is being implemented by the HSE Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs under the guidance of Deputy Dean for Admissions and Alumni Relations Anna V. Zhikhareva.