Anastasia Likhacheva receives Ambassador Cardim to straighten academic ties with Brazil

On September 16th, the Dean of the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs of the National Research University “Higher School of Economics” Anastasia Likhacheva received the Brazilian Ambassador Carlos Henrique Cardim, professor at the University of Brasilia (UnB) and former director of the Research Institute in International Relations (IPRI) of the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to discuss the prospects of academic cooperation.

Coordinated by the head of the School of the Regional Studies of the Faculty of World Economy, Professor Olga Volosyuk, the meeting was attended by a high-level delegation of experts from the University, including Fyodor Lukyanov, Chairman of Presidium of the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy, Editor-in-Chief of the journal Russia in Global Affairs and research professor at HSE; Leonid Grigoryev, Head of the World Economy Chair of the World Economy and International Affairs Department at HSE and Alina Shcherbakova, Associate Professor at the School of World Economy Academic Supervisor of the Programme World Economy of the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs at HSE.

Dean Anastasia Likhacheva thanked Ambassador Cardim for his visit and expressed HSE's interest in expanding academic cooperation with Brazilian universities. The Dean manifested support not only for the promotion of joint seminars and publications between HSE and Brazilian universities, but also for the exchange of students and professors in an offline format.

Ambassador Cardim recounted his professional trajectory, both as a professor and member of the editorial board at the University of Brasília (UnB), as well as in his diplomatic career and coordination of the Research Institute in International Relations (IPRI), within the scope of the Alexandre de Gusmão Foundation (FUNAG) of the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He presented the journal “Diplomacy, Strategy and Politics (DEP)”, of which he was editor, alongside his colleague João Batista Cruz, published between 2004 and 2009 by FUNAG, in Portuguese, Spanish and English. He expressed interest in deepening his knowledge about Russia and regretted the shortage of specialists in the country in the Brazilian academy of International Relations. The Ambassador is interested in developing the area of Regional Studies not only at UnB, but also at IPRI.

Professor Volosyuk expressed an interest in deepening the academic partnerships between HSE and Brazilian higher educational institutions, through the organization of seminars and joint scientific publications. The parties agreed on the convenience of a series of joint initiatives, such as organizing seminars on Brazil-Russia relations and related topics with the participation of institutions such as HSE, MGIMO, UnB and IPRI, conducting joint publications as a result of seminars and academic cooperation and proceed with the exchange of books by key Russian and Brazilian authors, to improve the bibliography access of students from both sides.

The Ambassador reported that he is working on the second edition of his book on the First Hague Peace Conference of 1899, in which he intends to develop relevant passages related to Russia, such as the debate between Ruy Barbosa and Fedor Fedorovich Martens, the initiative of Nicholas II of convening international peace conferences and the sociologist Max Weber's interest in Russia.

Professor Leonid Grigoryev presented to the Ambassador the article “Brazil in the 21st century: A difficult path”, published in the Russian Journal of Economics. He expressed interest in promoting the publication of the article and the debate of its content in Brazil.

Alina Shcherbakova reported that the HSE cooperates with Brazilian universities within the scope of the BRICS Network University, in particular with the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) and the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ).

In previous exchanges with Professor Olga Volosyuk, the Ambassador got acquainted with the structure and history of the Higher School of Economics in general and of the School of International Regional Studies in particular. She conveyed the continuing cooperation between HSE and universities in Latin America, Arab countries, South Korea, India and China.

Professor Volosyuk presented the Ambassador with the book “España y Rusia: diplomacia y diálogo de culturas. Tres siglos de relaciones”, which contains a chapter related to the foreign policy of Nicholas II, one of the Ambassador’s topics of scientific interest.