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Africa 2025 - Prospects and Challenges

Africa 2025: Prospects and Challenges is to serve as a handbook on Africa’s development, challenges and opportunities. Its target audience includes government officials, businessmen, scholars and experts. The handbook aims to provide alternative positive vision on some issues that Africa faces, among them being fight for food and energy sovereignty, debt crisis, digital transformation, rapid urbanisation and population growth. 

The book was prepared by the team of experts and scholars coordinated by the HSE University Center for African Studies (Moscow, Russia).

Full text:

Africa 2025: Prospects and Challenges

Сhapter 1. Measuring Africa’s wealth and money

Chapter 2. Food to Africa: From Food Security to Food Sovereignty

Chapter 3. African resources to African markets: making mining and energy work for Africa

Chapter 4. African quest for digital sovereignty

Chapter 5. Education is power: who teaches African leaders

Chapter 6. Vision of Africa in the mirror of think tanks around the globe

Chapter 7. Identifying the DNA of African сreativity

Chapter 8. African businesses – the emerging regional and global players


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