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Лекция И.Оверланда «Geopolitics and Renewable Energy: What do we know?»

Мероприятие завершено

Increasingly, debates about energy-related geopolitics are shifting from a focus on fossil fuels to how geopolitics will be transformed by the rise of renewables. In this lecture, Indra Overland summarizes the current research in this field, debunks several emerging myths and points to some ways forward for future research.

Департамент мировой экономики и НУЛ экономики изменения климата Факультета мировой экономики и мировой политики организуют лекцию норвежского исследователя И. Оверланда на тему: Geopolitics and Renewable Energy: What do we know?

Дискуссант - Татьяна Ланьшина, к.э.н., старший научный сотрудник РАНХиГС, генеральный директор ассоциации "Цель номер семь".

Модератор - Игорь Макаров, к.э.н., руководитель департамента мировой экономики и заведующий научно-учебной лабораторией экономики изменения климата. Приглашаем всех желающих! 

Приглашаем всех желающих!

 Indra Overland did his PhD at the University of Cambridge and was awarded the Toby Jackman Prize for the best PhD dissertation in the year 2000, the Marcel Cadieux Prize for an article on Russia’s Arctic energy policy in the International Journal in 2010, the Stuland Prize at NUPI in 2013. He is currently Research Professor and Head of the Center for Energy Research at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI) and has previously been Associate Professor II at the University of Tromsø, Professor II at Nord University, and Senior Advisor at the Nordic Research Board (NordForsk). He has appeared in the Financial Times, Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, Associated Press, Bloomberg, BBC World Service, Hokkaido Shimbun, Toronto Star, Het Financieele Dagblad, Radio Free Europe and the Diplomat. Among his publications are “The Geopolitics of Renewable Energy: Debunking Four Emerging Myths” (Energy Research and Social Science, 2019), “Future Petroleum Geopolitics” (Handbook of Clean Energy Systems, 2015) and “Financial Sanctions Impact Russian Oil” (Oil and Gas Journal, 2015).