International Conference «EAEU`s Strategies in the Age of New Protectionism»
Today unilateral sanctions and trade wars are the most popular tools of the new protectionism and gain popularity among the developing and developed countries. The main task of the new protectionism is to achieve foreign political goals and solve domestic problems, not only to protect their markets. It could be expected that these processes will be greatly strengthened by the unfolding coronacrisis that has united both the crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic and the associated global economic crisis, which is only gaining momentum.
The coronacrisis has already become a catalyst for growing divisions between the US and China, and is increasingly paralyzing the work of modern global institutions of global governance. In these circumstances, in the foreseeable future, we can expect another wave of the increasing unilateral discriminatory measures. The crisis will reset the US-China trade deal in 2019, which will lead to a new, tougher round of trade and economic contradictions between the world's first and second economies. In the recent years the intensive application of sanctions and trade wars was assessed as resulting in inevitable harm to international competition. Nevertheless, current events are gradually legitimizing them as a tool for overcoming crisis phenomena – an essential function of national states.
These circumstances create an objective request for the development of a comprehensive strategy at the EAEU level to respond to the challenges of new protectionism: both to minimize direct negative effects, and to provide a positive agenda for international cooperation in the new conditions.
The representatives of academic and expert community from the EAEU member states, USA, China, Canada, Italy, Norway, and Finland, etc. will discuss the reasons, peculiarities, mechanisms and magnitude of the potential impact of the new protectionism measures on the EAEU`s in long-term perspective. The experts will also offer their vision on the most effective tools for response to new challenges.
The program of the conference consists of the following sessions:
- 11:00-12:30 - New protectionism and systemic crises: what does this mean for the EAEU? (The working languages is English)
- 12:40-14:10 - Searching for an optimal strategy for the development of the EAEU in the conditions of new normality (The working languages is English)
- 14:20-15:50 - Protectionism on the offensive: prospects for the "four freedoms" in the EAEU. The view of young researchers (The working languages is Russian)
- 16:00-17:30 - Development of the system of external economic relations of the EAEU under the conditions of new protectionism. The view of young researchers (The working languages is Russian)
The working languages are English and Russian.
The event will be held onZoom platform *
* Please note we will provide a link to the event only after you have completed an electronic registration.
Time : 11.00 – 18.00
Please complete the electronic registration form to confirm your participation.
If you have any questions about the event, please contact the conference coordinators Korolev Alexander (e-mail: and/or Belous Yulia (e-mail:
«EAEU Strategies in the Age of New Protectionism» (PDF, 585 Kb)
Please note that the event will be recorded.