African Chapter at the HSE University invites new members
Undergraduate, master students and alumni are iniviting all HSE students and alumni from Africa to join newly establishing African Chapter at the HSE University. They have ambitious plans to discuss and implement together in Moscow

New Registration Rules Now in Place for Foreign Citizens in Russia
On July 8, amendments to Russian migration legislation regulating the registration of foreign citizens coming to the Russian Federation came into effect. They concern, in particular, HSE’s international employees and students. The most important change: you now must be registered at the place where you actually live.

Application for International Winter School 2018 has started
The Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs is hosting the 2018 International Winter School

Presentation of educational programs of the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs for students of the Faculty of Pre-University Training
Presentation will take place on the 15th of March, 2017 at Myasnitskaya 20, room 102 from 12:00 till 14:30.