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Bangladesh’s Hedging Foreign Relations: The Dilemmas of a Weak State
In press

Abul Hasan M.

Asia and Africa today. 2024. No. 4. P. 39-46.

Book chapter
The globalized civil society in migration governance

Korneev O.

In bk.: Handbook of Migration and Globalisation. Second Edition. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2024. Ch. 4. P. 58-73.

Alexander Lukin Took Part in Scientific Events in China

Professor Alexander Lukin, head of the Department of International Relations and head of the Laboratory on World Order Studies and the New Regionalism, took part in scientific events in China.

On the 28 th of November Alexander Lukin gave a presentation on “One Belt, One Road Initiative and Russian-Chinese Relations” during a seminar dedicated to the 115th anniversary of distinguished Chinese historian and philosopher Hou Wailu.

On the 12 th of December Alexander Lukin delivered a paper on “Russian-Chinese Relations and Changing World Order” in the Peking University. The event was a part of a series of seminars “The Forum of the North Pavilion” organized by the Institute of International and Strategic Studies, Peking University.

On the 13th of December Alexander Lukin gave a presentation on “Russian-Chinese Rapprochement and World Order” in the Taihe Institute, an independent Chinese think tank. The meeting brought togetherinfluential Chinese experts on international relations from government bodies, universities and policy research institutes. On the same day A. Lukin delivered a speech at the Russian Embassy in the People's Republic of China at the presentation of the book “The Diplomat of the Chicherin School” dedicated to the outstanding Russian diplomat V. Vorobyov.

On the 15 th of December Professor Lukin made a presentation on “Sino-US Trade War and Russian-Chinese Relations” in the Hunan Normal University (Changsha). The seminar was organized by the Northeast Asian Studies Center, Hunan Normal University. Professor A. Lukin was awarded a diploma of expert advisor of the Northeast Asian Studies Center, Hunan Normal University, as well as one of the Center of Russian Culture and Cultural Relations in Hunan Province.