S. Karaganov and D. Suslov: «Russia in the Post-Coronavirus World: New Ideas for Foreign Policy»

There is a danger that by focusing entirely on the pandemic Russia and the international community might get distracted from addressing fundamental problems―devising and implementing a new, future-oriented ideological base and agenda for Russia’s foreign policy

The article by Professor S. Karaganov, Dean of the School of World Economics and International Relations, and D. Suslov, the CCEIS Deputy Director «Russia in the Post-Coronavirus World: New Ideas for Foreign Policy» was published on the Middle East Media Research Institute's website on July 27 : https://www.memri.org/reports/russian-academics-karaganov-and-suslov-new-ideas-russias-foreign-policy.

Originally published on the «Russia in Global Affairs» website on May 17 - https://eng.globalaffairs.ru/articles/post-coronavirus-world/