Faculty Ambassador Daria Kireeva performed at the "Pokrovsky Quarter School" of the Distributed Lyceum of the Higher School of Economics (Moscow)

Our student within the framework of the project “Ambassadors of the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs 2021-2022” returned to her native school to tell high school students the story of her admission to the Higher School of Economics, as well as talk about student life and her favorite faculty.

Daria graduated from the school in 2020. She was led to the “Ambassadors of the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs 2021-2022” by her desire to inspire future applicants to conquer new heights.

The student performed in the "Pokrovsky Quarter" on April 29, 2022 in front of the tenth graders of the humanitarian, socio-economic and legal areas. After the presentation, the guys asked a lot of questions about student life. The most popular of them:

  • How often do extracurricular activities take place at the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs?
  • Can I go to study on an exchange?
  • What career prospects open after studying?

Daria spoke about her impressions of the meeting: “I have not been at school since the certificate was awarded, so I was a little worried. But I was waiting for a friendly atmosphere, favorite teachers and guys who are interested in learning and development. I am very pleased that many high school students expressed their desire to study at the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs”.

The project “Ambassadors of the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs 2021-2022” is being implemented by the HSE Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs under the guidance of Deputy Dean for Admissions and Alumni Relations Anna V. Zhikhareva.