Faculty Ambassador Pshenichnikova Angelina performed at the school №1 (St. Petersburg)

Our student of the bachelor’s programme “International Relations” within the framework of the project “Ambassadors of the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs 2021-2022” returned to her native school to tell high school students about the benefits of studying at our faculty.

Angelina graduated from high school in 2021. She was led to the “Ambassadors of the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs 2021-2022” by the desire to share her admission experience with high school students, motivate them before final exams and help them choose an educational track.

The student performed at the school on May 6, 2022. The high school students asked a lot of questions, the most popular of them:

  • Is there a military department at HSE?
  • In which Olympiads is it worth participating in order to receive benefits upon admission?

Angelina shared her impressions of the meeting: “I went to my native school with enthusiasm, it was interesting to see how everything had changed there and to talk with the teachers. I also wanted to help high school students decide on a university, tell them how great it is to study at our faculty. I tried to inspire them to participate in the Olympiads, because at one time it helped me a lot”.

The project “Ambassadors of the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs 2021-2022” is being implemented by the HSE Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs under the guidance of Deputy Dean for Admissions and Alumni Relations Anna V. Zhikhareva.