Higher School of Economics and Russian-Armenian University strengthen cooperation

The Higher School of Economics and the Russian-Armenian University signed a protocol on cooperation. The document was signed by the Dean of the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs of the HSE University A. Likhacheva and directors of RAU institutes

Higher School of Economics and Russian-Armenian University strengthen cooperation

According to the protocol, the purpose of cooperation is to expand the interaction of the parties in the field of academic exchanges of students and faculty, as well as the organization of joint scientific and practical events.

To achieve the goals set, the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs and the institutes of the Russian-Armenian University plan to expand the exchange of students, researchers and teachers. The parties will contribute to the development of scientific ties, the implementation of scientific and educational projects, as well as the exchange of experience within the framework of Russia-Armenia-Iran cooperation. As a first step in the development of this area of ​​cooperation, a scientific and educational expedition of representatives of students and faculty of the two universities will be organized to the University of Tehran to conduct a joint Armenian-Russian-Iranian trilateral seminar.