Tag "alumni"

Session “Southeast Asia in a globalizing world: challenges and solutions”

Session “Southeast Asia in a globalizing world: challenges and solutions”
On November 20-21, a discussion of the main political and socio-economic trends in Southeast Asia was held as part of the first international conference "Globalization in Contemporary Asia".

HSE is the university which works not only for the student but also with the student

HSE is the university which works not only for the student but also with the student
Shokhrukh Ashrafi, a student of the 2015-2017 MA talks about studying at the Higher School of Economics.

Time to Nominate: 9th HSE Alumni Awards

Time to Nominate: 9th HSE Alumni Awards
The 2017 HSE Alumni Awards will shortly be open for nominations. The awards were founded in 2007 to recognise HSE graduates who have achieved professional success in the corporate sphere or their own businesses. Over the years, the winners have included Maxim Oreshkin, Russian Minister of Economic Development, Ilya Azar and Tonia Samsonova, journalists, Ksenia Mokrushina, Director of the Centre of Urban Studies at Skolkovo Moscow School of Management, and Vladimir Potapov, CEO at VTB Capital, among others.

HSE Alumni Awards Laureates Announced

HSE Alumni Awards Laureates Announced
HSE has held the latest Alumni Awards ceremony, presented awards to the best alumni and organized the auction to benefit HSE Endowment.

Photo and video report from the IX graduation ceremony at the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs

Once again, we would like to congratulate all graduates with the remarkable attainment and thank all who participated in this event. We put together all best moments of the ceremony in those reports:

‘When the Russian People Were by our Side, We Always Managed to Find a Solution’

‘When the Russian People Were by our Side, We Always Managed to Find a Solution’
This year, Panagiotis Sarantidis, from Greece, graduated from HSE’s International Business programme, headed by Irina Kratko. According to Prof. Kratko, foreign students’ motivations for choosing Moscow as a place to study are quite varied. Some of them intend to connect their future career with Russia, already having ideas to establish joint ventures here. Others, for example HSE students from the United States, have previously studied the Russian language, so their interest is perhaps rooted in the country’s rich cultural and historical heritage.
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