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Regular version of the site
Sovereignty to the Extent Possible

Baklanov A.

Russia in Global Affairs. 2025. Vol. 23. No. 1(89). P. 162-175.

Book chapter
Pacific and South Asia

Kanaev E., Fedorovskiy A., Kupriyanov A. et al.

In bk.: Russia and the World: 2024. Economy and Foreign Policy. Annual Forecast. IMEMO RAN, 2024. P. 105-111.

Working paper
Towards A Common Vision? Populist Radical Right Parties’ Positions On The Eu Common Foreign And Security Policy Towards Russia

Shein S., Ryzhkin E.

Political Science. PS. Высшая школа экономики, 2022. No. 89.

Contemporary Area Studies: Dr. Sergey Demidenko

On December 20, 2021 the School of International Regional Studies of the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs, HSE University within the framework of the permanent online seminars «Contemporary Area Studies», organized a meeting with Sergey Demidenko, Associate Professor, Ph.D. of Historical Sciences, Head of the School of Political Studies of the Institute for Social Sciences, RANEPA.

The topic was «Contemporary International Regional Studies».

The seminar was moderated by Dr. Eugeny Kanaev – Deputy Head of the School of International Regional Studies of the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs, HSE University.

Dr. Sergey Demidenko devoted his speech to three main issues. First, the speaker spoke about the directions of foreign regional studies in the School of Political Studies, RANEPA. The speaker mentioned the structure of the program, which is divided into two blocks: general theoretical training, including minors, and practical, where the development of soft & hard skills and methods of analysis plays a key role. At the end of each academic year, students of the program are given the opportunity to undergo internships. The career trajectory of students is also important, the program is focused on the work of graduates in the field of consulting and information and analytical support of public authorities. 

Secondly, Dr. Sergey Demidenko emphasized the fundamental differences between foreign regional studies and related disciplines: world and regional economy, political science, world history and the history of international relations. According to the speaker, a modern regional expert is a multidisciplinary specialist in the field of consulting, whose competencies correspond to knowledge and skills from different fields.

Thirdly, the speaker spoke about the methodology of international regional studies, namely: what is the state of the theoretical and methodological tools and methods of teaching regional studies, and what are the main difficulties on the way of their development. 

After Dr. Sergey Demidenko's speech, a Q&A session was held, where the following topics were asked: what is the added value of foreign regional studies in universities, ways of attracting applicants to international regional studies, the trend of students undergoing internships in the countries of the regions they study.