Student essay contest

As part of the I International Conference “Globalization in Contemporary Asia”, on November 21, the winners of the student essay contest were solemnly awarded.

The competition attracted the attention of participants from different countries, among whom were students from Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus and Lithuania, as well as regional universities of Russia: Rostov State University, Ryazan State University, Irkutsk State University, Trans-Baikal State University and the Far Eastern Federal University.

The conditions for evaluating the work corresponded to high standards and consisted of two stages. The first stage included verification of work on the presence of plagiarism through the Antiplagiarism system of the HSE University. The second stage included the assessment of each work by three experts.

The winners of the competition are:

I place - Anastasia Trofimova, student of the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs, HSE University

II place - Daniil Klestov, student of the Faculty of Social Science, HSE University

III place - Evgeny Shchedrin, student of the Faculty of Political Science, State University of Management

The remaining participants in the competition received certificates confirming their participation.

The Organizing Committee thanks all the participants!