
Taking a New Look at Nuclear Peace

New article by Prof. Karaganov "Taking a New Look at Nuclear Peace" has been published in the last English-language issue of "Russia in Global Affairs" magazine.

Global Perspectives: G20 Leaders Summit

Global Perspectives: G20 Leaders Summit co-authored with F. Lukyanov, Professor of Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs at National Research University Higher School of Economics.

Commentary of Professor Karaganov for Washington Post

Professor Karaganov gave a commentary for Washington Post on U.S. policy.

The Victory of Russia and the New Concert of Nations

A new article “The Victory of Russia and the New Concert of Nations” by Prof. Sergei Karaganov was published on 3 March 2017 in the Italian magazine on geopolitics “Limes”.

Prof. Sergei Karaganov at CNN

The dean of the School of International Economics and Foreign Affairs took part in the interview broadcast (GPS Fareed Zakaria TV show) on Russia-US relations on 19th of February at CNN.

Russian Foreign Policy: Risky Successes

Russian Foreign Policy: Risky Successes
An article of the Dean of the School of World Economy and International Affairs S. Karaganov co-authored with PhD students of the school D. Novikov and K. Chernyavskaya “Russian Foreign Policy: Risky Successes” was published in the Spring issue of Harvard International Review. The article focuses on provisional results and perspectives of the Russian foreign policy.

The EU Looks Like the Dying Soviet Empire

Alexander Lukin, head of the Department of International Relations at National Research University Higher School of Economics, published an article on the magazine's website "The National Interest"

HSE Holds Largest Russian-Spanish Academic Congress

The International Congress on Russia and Spain: Politics, Economics, Culture was the first to bring together leading Russian researchers on Spain and Spanish scholars representing various fields of the social sciences and humanities.

Russia, China and the Emerging Greater Eurasia

Professor Alexander Lukin has published an article on Russia and China relations in an online journal The Asan Forum. The article analyzes underlying fundamental causes for Russia and China drawing together and discusses the future of emerging Greater Eurasia.

Vaduz Roundtable on “Continental Conditions for Russian-European Co-Evolution: Longer-term Challenges and Option”

On June 15 S. Karaganov participated in the Vaduz Roundtable on “Continental Conditions for Russian-European Co-Evolution: Longer-term Challenges and Options” organized by Prince Michael von Liechtenstein. Participants discussed the middle-team strategies the common economic space development, prospects of the Russia-Europe partnership in the Continent and geopolitics.