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Tokyo's diplomacy in Eurasia: Successes and failures (1997–2017)

Alexander Lukin, the Head of Department of International Relations, published an article titled: ‘Tokyo's diplomacy in Eurasia: Successes and failures (1997–2017)’ (Journal of Eurasian Studies)

Eurasian integration and the development of Asiatic Russia

Alexander Lukin, the Head of Department of International Relations, published an article titled: ‘Eurasian integration and the development of Asiatic Russia’ (Journal of Eurasian Studies)

Opinion: Is Trump's attempt to win Putin over a play against China?

Whether or not this meant that Trump was looking for Russia’s support against China in the trade war, is unknown. However, Lukin said this was unlikely to happen

Status and Power Transitions; Explaining Russia and China's Diverging Approaches to Status Seekin

Status and Power Transitions; Explaining Russia and China's Diverging Approaches to Status Seekin
Professor Andrej Krickovic was recognized as the best paper presenter at the  Social Science and Humanities Research Association's 2nd Annual International Conference in Pattaya, Thailand, June 26-27, 2018

Interview of A.V.Lukin to The Asan Forum

Interview of the Head of Department of International Relations Alexander Lukin to The Asan Forum on June 11, 2018.

Putin’s Fourth Term: New Faces—Old Politics

Alexander Lukin, head of the Department of International Relations at National Research University Higher School of Economics, published an article on the magazine's website "The National Interest".

Andrej Krickovic Presented His Paper “Russia’s Reactionary Revisionism”

Andrej Krickovic Presented His Paper “Russia’s Reactionary Revisionism”
On April 4 Professor Andrej Krickovic presented his paper “Russia’s Reactionary Revisionism” as part of the panel: “Is Russia a Revisionist Power?” at the International Studies Association’s annual meeting in San Francisco. Members of the panel included John Mearsheimer (University of Chicago), Richard Sakwa (University of Kent), M. Steven Fish (Berkeley), Andrei Tsygankov (San Francisco State University) and Andrei Sushentsov (MGIMO). Alan Cafruny (Hamilton College) served as chair and moderator.

Interview of A.V.Lukin to the program "The Point"

Interview of A.V.Lukin to the program "The Point"
Interview of the Head of Department of International Relations Alexander Lukin on the situation in Russia on the eve of the presidential elections to "The Point" programme of China  Global Television Network (CGTN) on March 16, 2018.

China and Russia: The new rapprochement, by Alexander Lukin

A review of the book by A.Lukin, "China and Russia: The New Rapprochement" in the Financial Times, was published on March 5, 2018.

VII International Russian-Chinese Summer School “Economic Instruments of Foreign Policy in the Modern World” July 6-13, 2017

Applications are accepted until May 7, 2017