Конференция «Глобальное управление в неустойчивом мире» («Global Governance in Unsustainable World»)
Рабочий язык конференции - английский.
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Место проведения: Мясницкая, 20, ауд.101

International Conference «Global Governance in Unsustainable World»
Moscow, Myasnitskaya 20, room 101 15-16.11.2013
November the 15 th, Friday
10.00-11.20 Plenary Meeting
Global Governance: Objects and Subjects
Hilton L Root ( George Mason University) «Global Governance and the Future of Liberal Internationalism»
Sergei Afontsev (IMEMO) «Efficiency-Legitimacy Trade-Off in Global Economic Governance»
Andrej Krickovic (HSE) «All Politics is Regional: Rising States, the New Regionalism and its Impact on Global Governance»
Dmitry Suslov (HSE) «Global Governance in an Inter-polar World»
Carter Johnson (American Councils) «International Management of Revolutions and Civil Wars»
11.20-11.40 Coffee
11.40-13.00 I session
Financial Architecture
Anastasia Nesvetailova (City University London ) «Governing the Dark Spaces of Global Finance: Financial Innovation and Shadow Banking in Light of the Global Crisis»
Alexey Savatyugin (Former Deputy Minister of Finance)
Marcel Salikhov (HSE) «Governance of capital flows: new challenges»
13.00-13.20 Coffee
13.20-15.00 II session
Energy and Climate
Manfred Hafner, Johns Hopkins (University SAIS-Europe and Sciences Po Paris) «Energy Governance – European complexity»
Carter Page (New York University and Center for National Policy) «New Energy Technologies, Markets and Resources: Emerging Opportunities for Global Cooperation and Governance»
Leonid Grigoryev (HSE) – «Governance in the Energy sector: interests and Compromises»
15.00-19.00 Side Event
November the 16 th, Saturday
10.00-11.20 III session
Global Problems: MDG, Food, Water, Climate
Alina Savelyeva (HSE) – «The role of global food problem in the modern world economy”
Igor Makarov (HSE) -«Global climate change regime: causes of crisis and possible medicines»
Anastasiya Likhacheva (HSE) – «Hydro-hegemony under the cloack of water governance»
11.20-11.40 Coffee
11.40-13.00 IV session
Country Level and Global Governance
Ronen Palan (City University London) «Beyond Globalisation: Why Will the 21st Century be Dominated by Continental-size Economies» – conf.
Svetlana Avdasheva (HSE) «Antitrust: Global V National»
Alexander Kurdin (HSE) «The Contribution of Transaction Cost Economics to the Global Institutional Engineering»
13.00-14-00 Lunch
14.00-16.00 Plenary Meeting
Structural Changes in Global Governance and Agenda for the Future
Professor Maxim Bratersky (HSE) «Governing Giant Economic Zones: Vertical and Horizontal Patterns»
Xin Zhang (East China Normal University) « When "Global Governance" meets "Good Governance»
Alan Cafruny (Hamilton College, Fulbright Scholar HSE) «Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership»
Leonid Grigoryev «Global Economic Problems and Governance – what are chances for Stability?»
16.00-17.00 Closing remarks