
HSE Holds Largest Russian-Spanish Academic Congress

The International Congress on Russia and Spain: Politics, Economics, Culture was the first to bring together leading Russian researchers on Spain and Spanish scholars representing various fields of the social sciences and humanities.

'Love of Language Draws Student to Moscow'

For the past semester, Alis Endres, an undergraduate student in Business and Economics from Germany, has been studying at HSE in the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs. As she completes her semester, Alis talks about what brought her to Russia, her experience in Moscow and her plans for the future.

HSE Takes Part in Columbia’s University Consortium

On November 6, the first module of the University Consortium began at Columbia University (New York). The Consortium was formed this autumn by Columbia, Harvard, the Free University of Berlin, Oxford, the Higher School of Economics, and the Moscow State Institute of International Relations. Students and faculty from the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs represent HSE in the project.

Russia, China and the Emerging Greater Eurasia

Professor Alexander Lukin has published an article on Russia and China relations in an online journal The Asan Forum. The article analyzes underlying fundamental causes for Russia and China drawing together and discusses the future of emerging Greater Eurasia.

Photo and video report from the IX graduation ceremony at the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs

Once again, we would like to congratulate all graduates with the remarkable attainment and thank all who participated in this event. We put together all best moments of the ceremony in those reports:

‘When the Russian People Were by our Side, We Always Managed to Find a Solution’

‘When the Russian People Were by our Side, We Always Managed to Find a Solution’
This year, Panagiotis Sarantidis, from Greece, graduated from HSE’s International Business programme, headed by Irina Kratko. According to Prof. Kratko, foreign students’ motivations for choosing Moscow as a place to study are quite varied. Some of them intend to connect their future career with Russia, already having ideas to establish joint ventures here. Others, for example HSE students from the United States, have previously studied the Russian language, so their interest is perhaps rooted in the country’s rich cultural and historical heritage.

Valdai Paper Special Issue: Shanghai Cooperation Organization: Looking for a New Role

Established in 2001, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization has come a long way, and now elicits considerable interest in the world. In the present special issue of Valdai papers Alexander Lukin, Department Head, Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs, School of International Affairs, National Research University Higher School of Economics considers the aspects of the organization’s new role nowadays.

'HSE Is the Best Place for Work on Issues in International Relations'

HSE has held the 5th International Relations Russia-China Summer School 'Eurasia 2020: Prospects for cooperation.' The school has been held since 2011 by the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs jointly with the East China Normal University (Shanghai, China). This year it was held with support from the Alexander Gorchakov Public Diplomacy Fund. This is the only summer school of this kind held in Russia.

Mexican Business Magnate Hugo Salinas Price Delivered a Lecture at HSE

On June 25 a lecture on the reform of financial system and the introduction of the silver standard by Hugo Salinas Price, Mexican business magnate, investor, and philanthropist was held at HSE.

Vaduz Roundtable on “Continental Conditions for Russian-European Co-Evolution: Longer-term Challenges and Option”

On June 15 S. Karaganov participated in the Vaduz Roundtable on “Continental Conditions for Russian-European Co-Evolution: Longer-term Challenges and Options” organized by Prince Michael von Liechtenstein. Participants discussed the middle-team strategies the common economic space development, prospects of the Russia-Europe partnership in the Continent and geopolitics.