
Visit of the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to the HSE

On June 3rd Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Korea in Moscow, Lee Younho, visited the Higher School of Economics in order to discuss plans for developing cooperation.

To ‘Mark’ the HSE on the World Map

Martin Carnoy, Professor at the Stanford University (USA) and Academic Supervisor of the HSE International Laboratory for Educational Policy Research, told us about some of the tasks and plans for the Laboratory.

Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs: ‘The Economy Is a Part of Culture’

On March 14th students, teachers and staff of the HSE met the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Uri Rosenthal. The lecture was addressed primarily to the students and was broadcast to all HSE regional branches. Thanks to video conference facilities, HSE students from Saint Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod and Perm had the opportunity not only to watch and listen to the speech, but also to ask questions to the minister after the lecture.

The UK’s Growth Agenda

On November 25th Vince Cable, UK Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills, spoke at the HSE.

Strategic Partnership Development

On November 9th the Russian Ministry of Education and Science officially announced that the HSE and the George Mason University, among others, were winners of a contest organized in 2010 as part of the joint Russian-American university programme. This autumn a delegation from the U.S. Department of Education visited the HSE to discuss the prospects for cooperation. Boris Zhelezov, Deputy Vice Rector of the HSE, told us about the results of the visit and new directions of interaction.

8 + 20 = ?

On October 27th and 28th, the international conference ‘Partnership for Progress. From the 2010 Muskoka-Toronto Summits to the Seoul Summit’ took place at the HSE.

To Start ‘from Scratch’?

On September 7th Valdai International Discussion Club held a roundtable discussion on ‘Russian History, Geography and Future’ at the HSE Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs.

‘Political Correctness Constrains Researchers’

From July 26th - 30th the VIII International Council for Central and East European Studies (ICCEES) Congress took place in Stockholm. The event takes place once every five years and brings together researchers from Russia and East Europe. 

‘Europe Opened up to us’

From July 10th – 25th the joint Russian-Swiss Summer School took place in Moscow and Lucerne. 13 students from the HSE and 22 students from the University of Lucerne participated in it.

‘Application will be Open until September 1st’

This year a new master’s programme is being launched at the HSE Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs – International Relations in Euroatlantic and Eurasian Communities. Sergey Karaganov, Dean of the Faculty, and Maxim Bratersky, Programme Coordinator and Professor at the Department of World Politics, told us about the new course.