On January 23, an open lecture by Grigory Lukyanov - senior lecturer of FSS NRU HSE, researcher of the CIAS of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, RIAC expert, head of the expert club of the Russian Middle East Association on “Libya 2020: new features of the conflict and prospects for settlement” was held.
Maxim Y. Medvedkov, head of the HSE Department of Trade Policy, gave an expert opinion on the trade agreement between China and the United States signed by the countries on January 15, 2020.
Prof. Karaganov has published a new article “Where to Go and with Whom to Go: Russia’s Foreign Policy on the Threshold of a New Decade” in ‘Rossiiskaya Gazeta’.
Orlov Daniil, Alumni of the Master’s Programme 'International Trade Policy' interns in the Secretariat of the World Trade Organisation since November 2019.
In honour of the event, the university’s Palmyra Club held an evening of Arabic poetry. The future orientalists read works by their favourite authors, as well as their own translations of the poems. School of Asian Studies graduates, who had won grants to study at a university in Qatar, also shared their recommendations as to who should study Arabic.
On December 10, an international conference 'Black Sea Region: Increasing Conflict Zone or Space for Cooperation?' was held in the format of situation analysis.
On December 6 th at Higher School of Economics, with the participation of the International Laboratory for Study of World Order and New Regionalism, an open lecture was held by the director of the educational program “Smart Contracts and Blockchain Programming” of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics Alexander Stepanov on the topic of blockchain using and the prospects for the development of technology in the realities of the world and Russian economy. Blockchain today is one of 9 cross-cutting technologies specified in the national program “Digital Economy”, approved by the President of the Russian Federation as a priority task of developing the competitiveness of the Russian economy and the need for Russia to enter the top 5 economies of the world. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics is at the origins of creating a training system for creating a new digital economy in Russia.
On December 11 in the HSE, with the participation of the International Laboratory for Study of World Order and New Regionalism, an open lecture was held by the professor of the University of Kent at Canterbury, Richard Sakwa, on the topic “Russia's Futures”.
As part of the I International Conference “Globalization in Contemporary Asia”, on November 21, the winners of the student essay contest were solemnly awarded.
The expert roundtable with Seyed Mohammad Kazem Sajjad Pour, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran was of the great interest of the participants of the conference, lecturers and students of HSE University