
Professor Lukin published in The National Interest

The National Interest published an article by the Head of the Department of International Relations, Professor Alexander Lukin.

Postdoctoral research positions of the School of World Economy and International Affairs

Dear colleagues, the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs has opened a competition to attract foreign employees to the position of postdocs.

Investment cooperation as a development factor of mutual trade of Spain and Latin American countries

New publication of E. Ya. Ostrovskaya, Associate Professor, leading academic of the International Trade Policy Master’s program and Evgeny Tsarik, 1-st year Master’s student.

Professor Lukin interviewed by Chinese Television (channel CGTN)

Professor Lukin interviewed by Chinese Television (channel CGTN)
The Head of the Department of International Relations, Professor Alexander Lukin spoke about the Chinese-Russian rapprochement and the current international political situation.

China’s Geoeconomics and the ‘New Cold War’

Glenn Diesen, the Professor of the School of International Affairs, published the article called “China’s Geoeconomics and the “New Cold War” in “Russia in Global Affairs” journal.

School of World Economy and International Affairs announces call for postdoctoral positions

International laboratory on World Order Studies and the New Regionalism of the School of World Economy and International Affairs announces a new call for postdoctoral positions.

Dmitry Suslov’s interview for TASS (12.20.18)

Dmitry Suslov, the Deputy Director at the Center for Comprehensive European and International Studies (CCEIS), gave an interview to Russian News Agency TASS about the results of Vladimir Putin’s annual press conference.

Timofey Bordachev’s article for The Korea Times (12.18.2018)

Timofey Bordachev, the Director at the Center for Comprehensive European and International Studies (CCEIS), published an article titled “Russia's views in the North East Asia” in the e-edition of The Korea Times.

“China under Xi Jinping: the Political Strategy after 2012”

“China under Xi Jinping: the Political Strategy after 2012”
November 27, professor Kerry Brown, Director of the Lau China Institute at King's College, London, UK visited our university to give a lecture called “China under Xi Jinping: the Political Strategy after 2012”.

Master students participated in the Harvard Negotiation Training Workshop

Master students participated in the Harvard Negotiation Training Workshop
On Thursday, December 13, 09:30-18:00, the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs hosted a one-day, interactive negotiation training workshop led by experts from the Davis Center Negotiation Task Force at Harvard University.