
The EAEU’s institutional framework for banking regulation: Looking forward

Eduard Dzhagityan, Associate Professor of the School of World Economy, published an article titled: ‘Shaping the EAEU’s Institutional Framework for Banking Regulation: Perspectives and Risks’ (International Organisations Research Journal (Scopus database, Q3), 2019, Vol. 14, No 2).

Article of Timofey Bordachev for Valdai Discussion Club (02.10.19)

Professor Timofei Bordachev, academic supervisor at CCEIS, published an article “The East’s Rise and the New Russian Foreign Policy” on the website of the Valdai Discussion Club.

CCEIS staff members took part in the international forum “Eurasian Week” in Bishkek

CCEIS staff members took part in the international forum “Eurasian Week” in Bishkek
From 25 to 27 September 2019 the 4th international forum “Eurasian Week” was held. The event brought together more than a thousand of expert community representatives, entrepreneurs, state-officials from the EAEU member countries and third countries. “Eurasian Week” is the biggest international business forum on the EAEU territory.

CCEIS staff members took part in the annual conference "Rethinking Dividing Lines" of the University Consortium

Deputy Director of CCEIS Dmitry Suslov, research assistants Darya Malyutina and Anna Osetrova took part in the annual conference of the University Consortium “Rethinking Dividing Lines”.

Prof Andrej Krickovic Appears on TRT World’s Straight Talk Program

Prof Andrej Krickovic Appears on TRT World’s Straight Talk Program
Associate Professor of World Economy and International Affairs Andrej Krickovic participated in Turkish Radio Television World’s “Straight Talk” Program. 

Presentation of the monograph “Mexico in modern world politics” by Ekaterina Yu. Kosevich

Presentation of the monograph “Mexico in modern world politics” by Ekaterina Yu. Kosevich
The scientific seminar dedicated to the presentation of the individual monograph by Ekaterina Yu. Kosevich “Mexico in modern world politics” was held in the International Laboratory on World Order Studies and the New Regionalism of HSE University on September 18.

Article of Dmitry Suslov for Valdai Discussion Club (09/11/19)

Dmitry Suslov, deputy Director of CCEIS, published the article "John Bolton’s Departure as a ‘Window of Opportunity’" on the website of the Valdai Discussion Club.

Business Development in Emerging Economies on the Basis of Limits and Conditions of National Strategies

Vladimir Ulanov, the Professor of the School of World Economy, published the article called “Business Development in Emerging Economies on the Basis of Limits and Conditions of National Strategies” in “Global Journal of Emerging Market Economies”, september 11, 2019.

Participation of Daniltsev A.V. in the Eastern Economic Forum 2019

The Eastern Economic Forum 2019 took place on 4–6 September in Vladivostok on the Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU) campus.

Timofey Bordachev at the International Forum on the Peace Economy

Timofey Bordachev at the International Forum on the Peace Economy
Timofey Bordachev, the CCEIS’s Academic Supervisor, took part in the International Forum on the Peace Economy, held in Seoul on 28 and 29 August 2019