
OPEN AIR Open Day of the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs

OPEN AIR Open Day of the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs
On July 9, 2022, was held the first OPEN AIR Open Day of the HSE Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs.

Dean of Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs Anastasia Likhacheva took part in the discussion "Legal Framework for the Development of the Arctic in the Context of Global Changes" of the 10th St. Petersburg International Legal Forum

Dean of Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs Anastasia Likhacheva participated in the session "Legal Framework for the Development of the Arctic in the Context of Global Changes" of the 10th St. Petersburg International Legal Forum

Ekaterina Kozlova became a participant of the International Youth Forum “Eurasia Global”

Ekaterina Kozlova became a participant of the International Youth Forum “Eurasia Global”
Ekaterina Kozlova, a 4th year student of the program “Asian Studies”, presented her project “Dialogues about the East”  at the Eurasia Global Forum, which took place from June 8 to 14 in Orenburg

Talking Chinese, Writing Articles, and Drinking Tea: What Chinese Club Students Did this Year

Talking Chinese, Writing Articles, and Drinking Tea: What Chinese Club Students Did this Year
The HSE Chinese Student Club at the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs School of Asian Studies has completed its 2021/22 season. Its participants and organisers talked to the HSE News Service about how they discuss China’s socio-economic, political, and cultural development as part of the club’s events.

Presentation by Alexandra Bocharova at the ICA 2022 Conference on Computational Communication Research

Presentation by Alexandra Bocharova at the ICA 2022 Conference on Computational Communication Research
Alexandra Bocharova, a research assistant of the International Laboratory on World Order Studies and the New Regionalism at the Higher School of Economics, took part in the ICA 2022, an international conference on research in the field of computational communications in Central and Eastern Europe

Podcast with Dean of Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs Anastasia Likhacheva for World Today

Podcast with Dean of Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs Anastasia Likhacheva for World Today
Dean of Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs Anastasia Likhacheva participated in the recording of the podcast "In turbulent times, can BRICS bring stability to the world?" for World Today

Faculty Ambassador Gerasimov Daniil performed at gymnasium №94 (Yekaterinburg)

Our student of the bachelor’s programme “ Asian and African Studies” within the framework of the project “Ambassadors of the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs 2021-2022”returned to his native school to tell high school students about choosing a university and the benefits of studying at our faculty.

Faculty Ambassador Pshenichnikova Angelina performed at the school №1 (St. Petersburg)

Our student of the bachelor’s programme “International Relations” within the framework of the project “Ambassadors of the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs 2021-2022” returned to her native school to tell high school students about the benefits of studying at our faculty.

Faculty Ambassador Maskina Maria performed at the Lyceum №1535 (Moscow)

Our student of the bachelor’s programme “World Economy” within the framework of the project “Ambassadors of the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs 2021-2022” returned to her native school to tell future applicants about the benefits of studying at our faculty.

Faculty Ambassador Soldatenko Vitaliy performed at the school №29 (Belyaninovo)

Our student of the bachelor’s programme “International Bachelor's Programme in World Politics” within the framework of the project “Ambassadors of the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs 2021-2022” returned to his native school to tell high school students about the choice of university and the peculiarities of studying at the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs.