
Ekaterina Kosevich gave an interview to HSE Daily about dictatorship and democracy in Argentina.
Ekaterina Kosevich, candidate of political sciences, specialist in Latin America and senior researcher at the International Laboratory for World Order Studies and the New Regionalism at HSE gave an expert commentary to the Vedomosti newspaper on the new economic policy of Argentine President Javier Miley.

The Online Conference was held on December 1st and consisted of two parts: «Joint session of PhD students of Dalian University of Foreign Languages and HSE University» and «Sections of young researchers». The first part was dedicated to the reports of PhD students of both universities, their exchanging views and finding new ideas. The second part was focusing on research of masters’ and bachelors’ students. The directions of the presented research touched on various regions such as Central, South, Northeast and Southeast Asia, Middle East, Europe, Latin and North America.